PayPal has a new logo that makes it look just like everything else

Image: PayPal Roughly 25 years after it launched payment processing, PayPal is “ushering in a new era for customers” with some generic black text. The company has a new logo, designed by Pentagram, that looks incredibly plain — especially compared to its previous iterations with their rakish slant, two shades of blue, and prominent PayPal […]

September Is Healthy Aging Month

September is National Healthy Aging Month, which raises awareness of ways to stay healthy as we get older. Aging presents challenges. For those living with mesothelioma, every birthday is an extra special milestone, but they can also come with additional challenges. Treatment can extend survival and improve quality of life overall, but can also lead […]

YouTube is adding ‘seasons’ to make your favorite channel more like Netflix

Illustration: Alex Castro / The Verge YouTube creators can now break their videos up into different seasons and episodes to make them easier for viewers to navigate — and binge-watch — on TV. The upcoming feature comes as YouTube has increasingly been pushing into the living room, with YouTuber revenue on TVs up 30 percent […]