About Us!

TechWine is a leading provider of technology, software, design, and finance education and services. Founded in 2015 by Abdul Malik, our company has been dedicated to delivering top-quality lessons and services to our valued customers.

At TechWine, we believe in the power of technology to transform lives and drive progress. Our team of experts is constantly innovating and finding new ways to improve our products and services, staying ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry.

Founder of TechWine

Our wide range of offerings includes technology and software lessons, mobile phone and computer repair services, insurance and finance guidance, graphic and web design, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, and personal finance management. No matter what your needs may be, we are here to help.

We believe in the importance of collaboration and strive to create a positive, supportive work environment for all of our employees. Our team works closely together to ensure that every project is a success, and that our customers receive the highest quality education and services possible.

Thank you for choosing TechWine. We look forward to serving you and helping you achieve your goals.