Get The Help You Deserve After an 18-Wheeler Accident

Every 16 minutes, someone is either killed or injured in a truck accident. In particular, 18-wheelers cause injuries to over 90,000 people every year, and it is estimated that 4,965 people died in 18-wheeler accidents in 2020 alone. Over the past decade, the number of fatal large truck accidents has been increasing while the trucking industry is pushing for relaxed safety regulations.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in an accident with an 18-wheeler, you should seek help from an experienced 18-wheeler accident lawyer. Munley Law is one of the nation’s leading truck accident law firms that can provide you with a free case review.

Our law firm is dedicated to helping victims of all types of truck accidents, including those involving 18-wheeler commercial vehicles. We have spent years fighting for the rights of victims of truck accidents and winning cases for people just like you. We have the necessary experience and resources to take on trucking companies and we want to help you. The consultation is free, and we only get paid if we win your case.

18 wheeler accident lawyer

Why Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer for My 18-Wheeler Crash Case?

If you or a loved one were involved in a collision with an 18-wheeler truck, you may believe that the injuries and costs resulting from the accident are obvious and that you did nothing wrong. You may wonder why you need a lawyer to represent you. However, it’s important to understand that an 18-wheeler accident is not the same as a car accident. These types of accidents can result in severe injuries that may take months or even years to recover from. Additionally, unlike car accidents, trucking accidents can have multiple parties involved. Therefore, hiring a lawyer can be beneficial for your 18-wheeler accident claim. They can help you navigate the complex legal system, deal with insurance companies, and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. They can also investigate the accident, gather evidence, and determine who is at fault. By having a lawyer on your side, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the legal aspects of your case.

Here are a few other reasons why hiring a lawyer is beneficial for your 18-wheeler accident claim.

Trucking Companies Regularly Deny Responsibility

Trucking accidents are quite common and trucking companies have become experts in avoiding responsibility and the costs associated with crashes caused by their truck drivers. They usually send their representatives to the accident site within hours or even minutes to collect evidence that can help them reduce or negate any claim that you might have against them.

Our law firm has been dealing with truck accidents for decades and is known across the nation for being the go-to law firm for such cases. Our experienced lawyers have successfully fought against 18-wheeler trucking companies and have won numerous settlements and verdicts. When you hire one of our attorneys, the trucking company will know that you have the best and most experienced 18-wheeler truck crash firm in the nation representing you.

18-Wheeler Truck Collision Cases Are Complicated

Truck accident litigation is complex due to the nature of 18-wheelers, car collisions, and medical injuries. It involves intricate concepts in various areas such as physics, chemistry, federal trucking regulations, biology, medicine, driving standards, and economics. When a claim regarding a collision involving an 18-wheeler goes to trial, the victims of the accident will need to prove their case to a jury by explaining what happened using these complex scientific and industry-specific ideas and principles.

At Munley Law, our team has spent over 60 years learning about the trucking industry, the science behind truck collisions, and the best negotiation and trial tactics to win big for our clients. We have assembled a team that has the knowledge and expertise to use field experts, graphics, witnesses, and technologies to explain why victims like you deserve to be compensated.

Getting the Award You Are Entitled to Require a Lot of Resources

Trucking and insurance companies have a lot of money and manpower, which they use to pressure accident victims into accepting settlements for much less than they actually deserve. To stand up for your rights as a victim of an 18-wheel accident, you need to match their vast resources. Our attorneys can work with experts and use the latest technologies to prove your case to a jury at trial.

How Much Compensation Could I Receive for My 18 Wheeler Accident Claim?

Accidents involving eighteen-wheelers are notorious for causing severe injuries that can take a long time to recover from. If you’re injured in such an accident, you may face several financial losses, such as medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, or even funeral expenses.

To file a successful injury claim, you may be eligible for economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to any financial losses you incurred as a result of the accident, such as medical expenses, lost wages, funeral costs, or property damage.

On the other hand, non-economic damages can compensate you for any non-financial losses you experienced, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment, or consortium. Unfortunately, insurance companies rarely cover all these expenses, and that’s why it’s essential to seek the help of an experienced 18-wheeler accident lawyer to guide you through the process.

Why Are 18-Wheeler Accidents So Catastrophic?

Eighteen-wheelers are significantly more dangerous than most other types of vehicles due to several reasons. 

Firstly, they carry heavy loads, weighing up to 80,000 pounds with a full load. This is about 400 times heavier than the average car which weighs only around 2,700 pounds. As a result, when 18-wheelers collide with other motor vehicles, they often cause serious injuries, extensive property damage, and even deaths.

Secondly, 18-wheelers are the largest vehicles on the road, measuring up to 176 feet in length and having up to four trailers. This makes it difficult for drivers to navigate sharp curves, turns, merges, expressway exits, and narrow streets. Also, their massive size amplifies the danger of speeding, and an 18-wheeler traveling at 70 miles per hour has twice as much energy as one going at 50 miles per hour.

Thirdly, 18-wheelers require more time and space to stop compared to cars. It takes about 40% longer for an 18-wheeler to slow down or come to a complete stop than it takes for a car. Many drivers do not realize how much space they should keep between their car and the massive truck in front of them.

Lastly, 18-wheelers have huge blind spots since they lack a rear window. Truckers must depend on their rearview mirrors to see what’s behind them, but the truck and trailer’s massive size creates significant blind spots.

What Should I Do After an 18-Wheeler Truck Accident?

If you are ever involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler, the first and most crucial step to take is to immediately hire an experienced lawyer who specializes in handling such cases. Trucking companies have vast resources, including teams of lawyers and experts, who are more than ready to fight against any lawsuit that comes their way. Having a lawyer by your side will give you the peace of mind you need to help you recover.

An experienced attorney can help you gather evidence to prove your accident claim, negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, represent your interests in the courtroom, and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Here are some steps you can take immediately after an accident with an 18-wheeler to help protect your future truck accident claim:

– Remain calm and stay in your vehicle unless you need to exit for safety reasons. Call 911 and do not leave the scene.

– Record all the names, addresses, and phone numbers of any parties involved, especially witnesses. Write down the names and badge numbers of any police officers investigating the accident.

– Photograph and take a video of the scene, including vehicles and injuries. Make sure to get the truck driver’s employer information.

– Seek medical attention, even if you don’t think you were injured at the time of the accident. Injuries might not present themselves until hours or days after the accident.

– Immediately notify your insurance company to start the claim process. When speaking with your insurance company, stick to the facts of the case and do not admit fault.

– Do not discuss the accident with anyone except the police or your insurance agent. You are not required to give a statement to anyone but the police and your insurance company.

What Should I Do in the Days Following an 18-Wheeler Semi-Truck Accident?

If you have been in an 18-wheeler accident, it is important to take certain steps in the days following the incident to protect your rights. Here are some things you should do:

1. Obtain a copy of the accident report from the police. You should also request a property damage valuation from your insurance company. These reports will help your lawyer determine the worth of your claim.

2. Keep a record of all visits with doctors and healthcare providers. Make a note of any symptoms, diagnoses, and pain you experience. It is essential to get copies of all test results, medications, treatments, and any other medical care you receive.

3. Keep a record of all out-of-pocket expenses you incur as a result of the accident.

4. Keep track of any missed work or other activities that your injuries prevented you from attending.

5. Do not speak to the other party’s insurance company without consulting with your 18-wheeler accident lawyer first. Remember, you are not obligated to speak with anyone except your lawyer, the police, and your insurance company.

6. Refrain from accepting any settlement offers until you have spoken with one of our experienced attorneys. Remember, your rights are important and you deserve to receive full compensation for your losses.

Why Choose Munley Law?

Many law firms claim to have expertise in handling truck accident cases, but only a few have the level of experience required to successfully represent a truck accident victim. Accidents involving commercial trucks and large 18-wheelers should only be handled by lawyers who have a proven track record of success in taking on big transportation companies. The right attorney for the job requires in-depth knowledge of trucking industry regulations, technology, insurance, and practices.

Munley Law is one of the country’s most renowned 18-wheeler crash law firms, with attorneys who have earned national recognition as the legal profession’s leading truck accident lawyers. We have a team of lawyers who have served as chair of the American Association for Justice Trucking Litigation Group, and two of our lawyers have been certified in Truck Accident Law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Our 18-wheeler accident attorneys get record-breaking results because that’s what our clients deserve.

When you have an accident with an eighteen-wheeler, you may face large medical bills, physical pain, and an uncertain future. The trucking companies have dealt with major lawsuits before and have teams of people tasked with minimizing your claim or denying it altogether. We understand the stakes are high, and we won’t let that happen. Let us take it from here.

Frequently Asked Questions in 18-Wheeler Crash Cases

Q: What Are the Common Causes of 18-Wheeler Accidents?

A: One of the first tasks for your 18-wheeler accident lawyer will be to establish what factors and behaviours caused your crash. Accidents with 18-wheelers happen for a variety of reasons, including:

– Overloaded or improperly loaded trailers: It is the responsibility of the shippers to make sure the cargo is properly secured. If the cargo isn’t secured, items may fall out of the trailer during transport, hitting vehicles and causing an accident. In addition, if the 18-wheeler is overloaded, the truck will not be balanced properly. All it takes is one sharp turn and the truck can overturn on the road.

– Fatigued driving: Truck drivers have a deadline to keep. They also have strict regulations called hours of service. These regulations are put in place so the truck driver does not drive drowsy which could cause them to fall asleep behind the wheel and cause an accident. Unfortunately, many of these drivers are under pressure from the trucking company to meet an unrealistic deadline and they will ignore the regulation, causing fatigued driving to occur.

– Under the influence of drugs or alcohol: Drunk driving is illegal and especially dangerous for those driving 18-wheelers. They need to be alert at all times when driving. However, even taking a single drink, their reaction time can decrease. Mix that with the additional time it takes a big rig to fully stop, and the results can be catastrophic.

– Distracted driving: Truck drivers spend many lonely hours behind the wheel, looking at nothing but the highway. They can easily become distracted by not only their cell phones but by eating food, using the navigation system, or fiddling with the radio.

– Speeding: Taking a corner too fast or stopping suddenly after going too fast in an 18-wheeler can result in the truck jackknifing on the road. What this means is the front of the truck will stop but the trailer will keep moving behind the vehicle, taking any cars with it.

– Inclement weather: Snow, sleet, fog, and rain can make visibility and road conditions difficult for any vehicle on the road. Although truck drivers may think they’re less vulnerable to bad weather conditions, accidents do occur on a regular basis.

– Failure to perform required inspections and maintenance: It is the truck owner’s responsibility to maintain and regularly inspect the 18-wheeler for any problems. However, many owners ignore regular inspections. This can result in wear and tear on the vehicle such as tire blowouts and worn brakes. In addition, if something was installed improperly on the truck, say the wrong type of tire, those responsible for the maintenance of the vehicle could be held responsible.

– Manufacturing defects: Sometimes the accident was not caused by the driver but by the truck’s manufacturer. Vehicle defects are common causes of any type of traffic accident. When there is a defect in the manufacturing of the vehicle that results in an accident, the manufacturer could be held responsible.

To determine the exact cause (and hold all the negligent parties accountable for the harm you suffered) our 18-wheeler accident attorney will work with the best experts and perform a thorough investigation.

Q: Who Can You Sue in an 18-Wheeler Crash Case?

A: Truck accidents can be more complicated because of the long list of parties who could be at fault.

Involved parties in an 18-wheeler crash lawsuit could include the following:

– Truck driver

– Trucking company

– Owner of the truck/trailer

– Third-party manufacturers

– Facility responsible for loading the truck

– Any group responsible for the contents of the trailer

The best way to determine the right course of action for your unique 18-wheeler accident case is to speak with a lawyer.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Truck Accident?

A: In most states, the statute of limitations to file your 18-wheeler crash claim is two years from the date of the accident.

Do not wait two years to file. Your case will be much easier to investigate and recover compensation closer to the date of the accident so the details and evidence are fresh. If you wait, important evidence could be lost or destroyed. It also gives the trucking company and its own team of investigators and experts on the scene of the crash more time to build their defence.

Q: How Much Will It Cost to Hire an 18-Wheeler Truck Accident Attorney?

A: We work on a contingent-fee basis, meaning we do not collect a fee unless we win your case. You will owe us nothing up front or out of your pocket. At Munley Law, we will not get paid until you get paid.

Get the Justice You Deserve With Munley Law

Because we have been handling 18-wheeler cases for decades, our experience and knowledge are unmatched. We have what it takes to get you the maximum recovery.

Munley Law is a family-run law firm. We approach your 18-wheeler accident case with the full force of our entire team and work together to achieve the best possible result. In addition to representing you in negotiations and court, we will be available as.

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